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Transparent - KDZ annual report 2023

Anual Report 2023

117 projects, 157 seminars, 2848 seminar participants, 317 members (+8). These are some very positive figures that we can look back on in 2023. Read the digital version of the annual report to find out why we focused more on transparency in 2023 and what we achieved in terms of content. 

CAF in Berlin and Skopje

CAF in Berlin and Skopje

We are currently supporting the Senate Department for Education in Berlin and Gjorche Petrov, a municipality in Skopje (capital of North Macedonia), with the introduction of the CAF. The European Common Assessment Framework for better quality and governance in public administration is being used in more and more cities across Europe.

6th CAF practitioners network with the Government Office of the Slovak Republic

In March, the international network of CAF practitioners exchanged their experiences with the Common Assessment Framework at the 6th online meeting with the Government Office of the Slovak Republic. Tatiana Janečková, Deputy Head of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, and Peter MINARIK, CAF Methodologist of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, shared their experiences on how they have used the CAF model.
6th CAF Practitioners Network

Good Governance and Balanced Local Economy in Finland

Good Governance and Balanced Local Economy in Finland

KDZ Managing Director Thomas Prorok recently visited Finland to contribute his ideas and experience for the development of the governance system for the Turku city region. Examples from the Munich metropolitan region, the inter-municipal tax equalisation system Inkoba Freistadt, the Stuttgart association, the Liverpool city region and the management of the Vienna city region were discussed with an experienced international team.

The European Administrative Space - Opportunities for Local and Regional Governments?

With the communication "Enhancing the European Administrative Space (ComPAct)" in October 2023, the European Commission initiated significant steps for administrative and structural reforms in the EU member states. What steps can cities and municipalities take to benefit from these opportunities and actively participate in the developments?

European Administrative Space

Public Value of Austrian Social Insurance

Public value of Austrian social insurance

Who knows how the Austrian social security is structured and works? For the Austrian Chamber of Labor, we looked at what social added value (public values) lies in the Austrian social security system. We were able to identify a total of 19 public values. Many of these correspond to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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