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CAF in Sarajevo started

CAF Sarajevo
In July, the City of Sarajevo started implementing the CAF. KDZ and the City of Vienna are supporting Sarajevo as the first capital of the Western Balkans to use the CAF in order to implement the European good governance and quality standards of the Common Assessment Framework in the city administration. The project is implemented within the framework of the BACID programme, which is co-financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation.

EFAC Network

EFAC Practitioners Meeting

The External CAF Feedback Actors (EFACs) met last week online at the invitation of the KDZ and ReSPA. Thomas Prorok and Philip Parzer led the meeting and Kenan Avdagic and Dalibor Copic contributed their experiences and insights on the question "How to understand an organisation in short time?". 


Women's Service of the City of Vienna awarded CAF Label

MA 57 (Women's Service of the City of Vienna) was awarded the CAF Label - Effective CAF User for its high service quality. Section Head Christian Kemperle, BMKÖS, and KDZ Managing Director Thomas Prorok presented the CAF Label to Department Head Marion Gebhart. Deputy Mayor Kathrin Gaàl and Director of the Municipal Department Dietmar Griebler emphasised the pioneering role and innovative strength of MA 57 in the development of the women's and gender policy of the City and Administration of Vienna.


Peer Review in Hungary

In September 2023, KDZ-Managing Director Thomas Prorok contributed to the Peer Review of the Council of Europe's Centre of Expertise for Good Governance and the European Commission. The focus was to enhance intergovernmental policies, financial relations, and data utilization in Hungary's local governance.

Public Administration Reform Monitor 2022

The status quo of administrative reforms in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia and Serbia can now be read in the new PAR Monitor. The reports were compiled by the WeBER network (Western Balkan Enablers for Reforming Public Administrations), in which the KDZ is a partner.

Government at a Glance 2023

Government at a Glance

In recent years, multiple, consecutive shocks have threatened economic resilience and wellbeing worldwide. Governments in OECD countries - and democratic systems - have been at the center of responding to these crisis.

This edition of Government at a Glance contributes internationally comparatitve data on a range of public governance, tools and practices to help identify both strenghts and weaknesses in democratic governance.

International Practitioners Course

Alexandra Schantl provided insights on intergovernmental relations and public service delivery in Austria at the 2023 edition of the Practitioners’ Course in Murten/Switzerland this summer. The course gathered 14 international practitioners and was organized by the International Research and Consulting Center of the Institute of Federalism of the University of Fribourg with support of the EU- LoGov-project.
Practitioners Course

WB Summit

Save the date: Western Balkan Digital Summit 2023

On October 4th and 5th the Sixth Western Balkans Digital Summit will be held in Sarajevo. KDZ and NALAS will present the "Digitalisation in local Governments"-study and Managing Director Thomas Prorok will contribute to the panel "Digital Skills".

Welcome to KDZ, Mohammed Assen

Mohammed Dejen Assen, from the Center for Federalism and Governance Studies of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, is working on the Autonomy of Local Governments in Federal Systems focusing on Ethiopia. From August to the end of October he will be hosted at KDZ. His work is part of the LoGov – Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay Project.


Comparing Local Revenue Structures in Italy and Austria

KDZ Managing Director Thomas Prorok and Sofia Calzola have analysed and compared the local revenue structure of Italy and Austria. Read about the different legal frameworks and the results in their blog post for Eurac Research.

CAF Monitoring and Refreshing Workshop

To assist the The Civil Service Agency Bosnia Herzegovina, Republic Srpska on its path towards excellence Philip Parzer developed a new workshop design “CAF Monitoring and Refreshing” which supports public administrations in fine-tuning, monitoring and accelerating their improvement phase.

CAF Monitoring

Act Now Mayor's Conference

Conference for Ukraine

KDZ is a partner of the ACT NOW Mayors' Conference 2023 "Spirit Unbroken: Empowering Local Democracy for Ukraine's Renewal", organised by the Innovation in Politics Institute and hosted by the Committee of the Regions. The aim of the conference is to support Ukraine by bringing together local leaders, innovators, high-level decision-makers and changemakers.


CAF Training

Following our 3-day training program "Shaping Quality & Change in Public Administrations with Common Assessment Framework", participants gain the skills to apply quality management principles, implement change with CAF, integrate CAF 2020 into their organization, establish a lasting Quality Management structure, and provide expert support for CAF implementation.

CAF Facilitator

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